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 出口成“脏” 你遇到过职场“桌怒”吗?
上一条: 职场英语:白领得有“范儿” 盘点100句时髦用语 下一条: 职场英语:办公室恋情是规则还是禁区?

"Desk rage" refers to the peak of office employee stress levels which ultimately starts with the screaming of vulgar language within the workplace. It can often times lead to assaulting fellow employees, abusing office equipment and/or stealing of company property, abusing sick days and ultimately poor production at work. A possible side effect is that the employee continues to take out his or her rage at their residence in the form of kicking small animals and drinking heavily.


For example:

You may avoid road rage on the way to the office. But once you arrive, you have to beware of... desk rage.


    发表时间:[ 2013/9/12 ] 浏览次数: [ 2394 ]
上一条: 职场英语:白领得有“范儿” 盘点100句时髦用语 下一条: 职场英语:办公室恋情是规则还是禁区?
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